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What's Coming in 2025

Now that our founder and her family have boots on the ground full-time, the real work begins! These are just some of the projects planned over the next 12 months. 

Baby Home

In collaboration with the local authorities, police departments and organisations we will be providing emergency shelter, respite care for young mums and a safe place for vulnerable children including those abandoned or in need of immediate protection, with the help of our qualified team.


By working with child welfare agencies, social workers, family members and adoption services, we will assess the best interests of the children and identify appropriate long-term care options for the children, including foster care, adoption, or placement with relatives.


Partnerships with Schools

We will continue to connect with the community and collaborate with local schools to create awareness of Opening Doors and the support available to them, to help prevent babies from being abandoned.


Education is key, and our goal is to help young women and men, understand the consequences of infant abandonment and make them aware of safe alternatives.

Expand Skills Development

In addition to the 100's of courses already provided, we will start to offer classes on basic literacy, numeracy, financial literacy, budgeting, and computer literacy.


These classes will be designed for aged 16+, and will help to empower community members to improve their quality of life and increase their employability.

Supporting Young Mums

To help reduce the number of abandoned babies, we will be offering workshops and support groups for parents on topics such as infant care, child development, positive discipline techniques, and family communication. 


We will also create ‘New Mum Boxes’ which shall include baby essentials such as clothing, bottles, nappies etc for new mums needing a helping start.

Reduce unemployment

Unemployment is high in South Africa, and to help reduce this, we plan to offer resume writing workshops and mock interviews to help community members improve their job prospects.


We will also offer training and mentorship for aspiring entrepreneurs, including business planning, marketing strategies, and access to microfinance or small business loans.

Community Activities 

Jay and Aaron are avid sports fans! They will be organising various community event, such as sports tournaments to promote positive social behaviour, the importance of fitness and wellbeing and community pride.

Community Clean Up

We're excited to launch projects to improve the local environment, such as community clean-up campaigns and recycling programs.  

Grant and ID Assistance

So many people cannot get to Home Affairs so we shall provide transport to those in Inchanga, Hammersdale, and surrounding communities, for those who need to travel to Home Affairs for identification purposes, etc.


Applying for a new birth certificate and a grant can also be challenging. In light of this, we will help with obtaining the supporting documents and making the applications. 

Retreats and Group Volunteering

Do you want to come and help?


In 2025 we will start organising group volunteering, where we'll host volunteers from all over the world and give you an opportunity to get involved.


If you're interested, please share your email below and we'll send details as the plans come to fruition!  

Thanks for registering your interest!

© 2024 Opening Doors
NPO 306 824

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